Working with others

    This week our course was given the task of creating a cli command, which included our code being reviewed by one of my classmates. Initially, this gave me some anxiety as sharing my work with others is not my strongest suit. Nonetheless, I created a post asking if anyone was looking for a partner and Michael Appeared.

    It turns out that having someone look over my work was much less scary than I had initially anticipated. Working with Michael was actually fun, and having the opportunity to look over someone else's work was a great learning experience for me. 

    With another pair of eyes looking at my code, Michael noticed errors and instructions that I was not addressing. Some instructions I had forgot to mention include the fact that my program requires bash. It did not occur to me that most of us live in a Windows Operating System. Another missing component was my Blog link in my READme. I had forgotten to include a link to my blog! As soon as Michael notified me he was done his assignment, I cloned his repository and started working on it right away. Michael did his project in python, having previous work experience with python I immediately noticed some issues with his READme file. Michael had forgotten to remind the user to create a virtual environment to download the needed dependancies. 

    All in all this task has given me the confidence to work in open source and change the world, one pull request at a time. 

    I would like to say thank you for the Constructive feedback Michael! I guess it takes another set of eyes to point out what we missed. I have resolve these issues and I look forward to working with you again! Thank you for your help!

Michaels Repository:

My Repository:

Provide links to issues that were filed on your repo, and what they were about

Issue #1 -
Issue #2  -
