We are off! V0.1

Initial Release V0.1 

Our first Assignment was to create a command-line tool to check and report dead links in a file. Status code 200 would be considered "Good", 400 and 404 is "Bad", and all other status codes are considered "Unknown."

My first experience creating a release was nerve racking. With no instructions on how to approach this problem, I started to brain storm ideas, and eventually started questioning my abilities. Inevitability, I chose to do my assignment in bash since it would allow me to colour my code, as well as create a command line tool.

Overall, the first assignment was fairly simple to use. Simply clone or fork the repository, open up bash, and run the command.

Command : ./cliCommand <filename>

NOTE: This project will need Bash installed on your machine. Mac OS has bash built in, however, Windows OS may need to install Bash. Please feel free to play with codes, if you have a crazy idea, then pull request :)

Usage and Features

Using the power of Linux's built in commands, such as, grep, curl and head we can request urls via command line interface. This information is then processed using the Head command along with some additional features. We simply check the status code of each URL we requested and let the user know if there are any Broken ( 400 and 404 ) links are found. "BAD links" will be printed in RED, "Good links" will be printed in GREEN, while "Unknown links" will be printed in GREY

My second feature included are colours for improved user experience.

My Repository: 


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