0.2V Conflicts, Struggles and Pain — All Great Things

Soul Searching

This release v0.2 has been a wild ride. One day, I am happy I got a contribution in to open source and the next day I am freaking out because the next contribution is due. This week my main concern was that I would not understand other people code. With the rollercoaster of emotions comes struggle, pain and a soul searching journey. It wasn't writing the code that was difficult, it was finding a project.

    For this weeks contribution, I embarked upon a journey into the depts of Github. Looking at all these different open source projects, labels, and documentation. At first I was thinking about working on home assistant, an open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. This sounded like a very cool project to work on! Unfortunately, this project takes a long time to set up, and they recommend you work on a Raspberry Pi. Home assistant inspired me to invest into a Raspberry Pi 4 for side projects. Since this project wasn't going to be done in time for this weeks pull request, I continued my search for other projects. I stumbled upon python-telegram-bot, I thought this repository would be a great project to work on since I enjoy making bots on Telegram. Unfortunately, after reading documentation for hours and reading pyTelegramBotAPI, both telegram bot API's I noticed that this will take a lot more time than I had imagined. I will work on pyTelegramBotAPI for next weeks pull request.

    Finally, I found a repository that was just right for me! This repository is a program that merges a series of files, containing JSON arrays of Objects, into a single file containing one JSON object. The code was fairly simple to read and I could understand all of it. After reading the documentation on how to use this program and downloading the dependancies, I looked at the open issues on this repository. I found the issue called Add Logging. I thought this would be a great second Pull Request.

So what?

    In computing, a log file is a file that records either events that occur in an operating system or other software runs, or messages between different users of a communication software. This includes a wide array of events including pinpointing areas of poor performance, troubleshooting errors, and identifying run-time errors. Working on some projects with threads has taught me the importance of logging. Some programs will be running so quickly that sometimes we humans lose track of where and what is happening. Logs help programmers quickly address and resolve application related issues. 

    Another benefit of logging is data collection. Of course we do not want to store this data in a log, as we would be parsing data all day. However, in the long run, we can store this data to automate the program so no human presence is necessary. Overall, implementing a logger is a simple task that can have the profound effects.

    While working with the repository owner we learned many things together. He was friendly and continuously asked me to make improvements to my pull request. This made me want to continue supporting this repository.

Repository worked on : contribution
My Pull Request : Pull Request


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