Lab 3

    The class of OSD-600 was asked to add two more features to our v0.1 command line tool. Out of the four options I choose to create a CLICOLOR environment variable, implement an exit code and created an output json file too, let me run you through what I did! 

Step one:  Creating branches:

  • With the help of some youtube videos, I was able to figure out how to create and checkout a branch. I understand the importance of keeping master as clean as it can be, and branched off to issue-9 and created issue-10.

Step Two: Researching about environment variables:

  • Through online research I learned how to set an environment variable. The document mentioned the practice of creating an environment variable in the /etc/environment file. However, I decided to just make it global to my current project.
Step Three: Creating an "if" statement that would print out colours or no colours:

  • This task took a minute to compute, since I did not want to write redundant code. After finding many logical solutions that would suffice, I finally decided on declaring a flag variable to alter the outcome of the program. 
Step Four: Display the exit code:
  • Reading the instructions I pondered on the approach I should take for this next task. I decided to email the professor on some clarifications about what determines a zero exit code status and what does not. This helped clarify the steps needed to be taken. This puzzle was also solved using an if statement. If and only if all the urls being checked have a status code of 200, then the program will exit with a successful code of zero. Otherwise, the program will terminate indicating a broken link with a non zero number.

Step Five: Merging code:

  • This step was the easiest part of the project. Since, we are the only ones implementing code I had no problems merging the two branches together.

Pull Requests are encouraged!


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