Lab 4

    This weeks lab was fairly frustrating, I am not sure if it was all the environmental stressors around me this week, or if it was since I had never worked with a git remote before. Nonetheless, the work has been completed. Heres a little gif to let you know how I felt.

Picking and Filing an Issue

    For this weeks lab, I choose to work on an old friends repository. Im not sure if this is considered cheating, however, I gave my friend a call to run me through how his code works. In five minutes, I had a basic understanding of his work, and was left to study his code. Since it was not my own code, I had some difficulty reading it. I created a new branch, and started cleaning up the repository to better fit my needs.

    I created a pull request simplifying the code, however, no merge was done. I guess everyone has their own preference of how their code should look. After failing the first time, I decided to try again by creating an issue on his repository, starting a new branch, and getting to work!

Here is Niaz's Repository :
Here is The First Pull Request : Cleaning Console Logs

Creating and Working on Topic Branch

    Since this repository was not the same logic as mine, I instantly knew that this repository needed some critical thinking. Niaz's structured his command line interface to have his "--good", "--bad", and "--all" optionality as the third parameter. This made things a little tricky. I had to think of a logical way to integrate my logic without jeopardizing his. 

Creating an issue on repository:

Completing the Feature

    After completing the issue at hand I created a merge request and asked Niaz to check out my repository before merging. However, Niaz seemed to not realize lab four asks us to test the pull request before merging. He just merged the pull request trusting in my abilities. As much as I was flattered by his gesture, it reminded me of a quote from the movie Chernobyl, "Trust, but verify".

    This is when everything burst into flames. I thought I finished the feature! I checked the next day only to discover that I broke his logic. This was a blessing in disguise since this allowed Niaz to learn to verify every merge before he implements it. I quickly fixed the logic and pushed a new merge. Now I'm not sure if Niaz will read my message before merging, however, he now has the chance to checkout my branch before merging.

Here is The Main Pull Request :Ignore Urls PR
Here is The Main Pull Request Fixed : Sorry Niaz
This is The Last Pull Request Updating ReadMe

Reviewing, Testing, and Merge via Remotes

I have yet to get Niaz's Pull request. I will update this later this week.
Thanks for reading my blog post.

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