
    Today, I learned to read documentation while I was working on a repository called Sherlock. Sherlock is a program that helps you hunt down individuals social media accounts by username across social networks. The program looks at the json file located in the "Sherlock/resource/data.json" file and checks all websites listed with the username given. 

    I initially thought this project would be an easy pull request, I thought that I would add an object in the json file and the program would work! Unfortunately, I ran into some problems, as the program would not realize I had made some changed to my json file. So like Sherlock would, I started to investigate. I started by locating where the json file was being used.

    I printed the args object and noticed that the local attribute had the key value pair of false. This lead me to read the help section. The documentation said that the argument --local will force the program to use the local json instead of the one on Github. After some time looking at the objects involved and deciding on a social media outlet to add, everything else was fairly simple. However, it had dawned on me that I just had to learn how to read. 

    The social media platform I added was Tumblr.


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