Final Reflection

    If you haven't read the previous blog you can read up about it here.

   It was a long 2 days where I had nearly convinced myself I wasn't getting anything done, except for searching for a new repository to work on for my final project. However, after pushing this pull request I got a burst of confidence in my abilities to work on front end development using React. Finishing this project gave me the confidence to create my own Website using React! You can check it out here, its called the PoolHallApp. I decided to create this project, since I realized the Pool halls in Toronto use pen and paper to keep track of their customers play time. So I thought they would benefit from a web application to keep track of their customers tabs. I plan to make this a free application for all pool halls to implement into their daily schedule. I will litter it with ads soon. .. Check back in a month.

    After completing the task at hand, I believe that I have successfully achieved the goal of creating a bottom bar for mobile usage. By starting with the most basic components necessary in order to build my bottom bar, I was able to quickly and efficiently decipher which components needed to be built first.

    The most difficult part that I had to implement was probably the toggling of icons if the use was logged in. I had completely forgotten how to use the useState & useContext. Using the tools provided by the framework react I was able to find an efficient solution to display the correct component when necessary. Looking back, it might’ve been more efficient if I had asked the slack community to provide me with some guidance on the steps I should’ve taken. Thankfully, google had my back and I found all the necessary information I needed. Next time when I encounter a situation I will consult others on their opinion on the matter at hand.


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