Release V0.2 4th PR
My final Pull Request was on the Python-Binance repository. This is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Binance exchange REST API v1/3 . While building my own Binance trading bot I discovered that this library could use Web sockets to hasten the stream of information. Previously, I was using the REST API given to me by Binance, however, with web sockets I can gather information without asking for data. Web sockets are a persistent connection between two computers that result in a higher amount of efficiency. The pull request I am most proud of would have to be the Python-Binance web sockets pull request . This pull request allowed me the opportunity to learn about the difference in polling and scribing. This challenged my understanding of how computers can communicate between each other, I was under the impression that a computer needs input in order to create an output. However, through this project I learned that ...